8 Best Ways | How to make money online in Pakistan 2024


  • Provide social media advice
  • Online photo sales
  • Become a travel agent online
  • Start a channel on YouTube
  • Participate in an affiliate network
  • Review apps & websites
  • Create a Patreon account
  • Conduct online research

How to make money online in Pakistan

1. Provide social media advice

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

Are you familiar with how to acquire followers on Pinterest, tikTok, or Instagram? Identify yourself as a social media consultant and offer your services for sale different platforms. Brands that wish to work with you on videos and other creative initiatives will call you. It’s a great approach to generate money for people with social media skills because you can use your existing profile as your portfolio. Promote your portfolio in digital marketing-related forums and organizations. Additionally, remember to provide a link to your outreach emails to agencies.

2. Online photo sales

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

If you’re a regular photographer or have an extensive number of photos recorded on your computer, you could potentially able to make some money by selling your images to stock agencies. You get a payment each time someone downloads one of your photos. The stock photo website will choose the commission, which could be either a fixed amount or a percentage.

The best online picture marketplaces:

3. Become a travel agent online

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

Are you aware of where to go for the most affordable travel packages and airfare? Think of being a virtual travel agent and working from home. Travel agents that help clients plan their own excursions and vacations are paid for their services. Due to the difficulty of organizing the practicalities of a vacation—booking lodging, connecting flights, sightseeing tours, etc.—many individuals rely on travel companies to make their trips simpler. No particular certifications are needed to operate as an online travel agent. Research and organizational abilities are what you’ll need to ensure your clients have a hassle-free vacation within the specified budget. You might collaborate with other businesses to obtain discounts that you can give to your customers as help.

4. Start a channel on YouTube

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

Have you considered starting a YouTube channel? These days, all you need to record are humorous skits, product tutorials, and unboxing movies on your smartphone. Additionally, starting a YouTube channel is free of charge. There are lots of options for you to make money if you own a YouTube channel. After you reach 1,000 or above subscribers, you can start monetizing your channel by placing advertisements. Selling products, acting as an affiliate for brands, or working together on sponsored content are further ways that your YouTube channel might generate income. Concentrating on one niche is essential for a successful YouTube channel. Whatever you think would draw in more viewers, go ahead and provide beauty tips, tech product reviews, or a daily summary of bitcoin values.

5. Participate in an affiliate network

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

Do you think you have the marketing expertise to advertise goods successfully? Enroll in an affiliate program to promote goods, services, or brands across many channels and earn commissions. You will receive an affiliate link to share with others if you are approved.
Together with recognition for the recommendation, you will get paid a commission if someone purchases the good or service after clicking your link. The affiliate program and the product being advertised will determine the commission payout. While promoting digital services like web hosting might make you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, promoting basic products on the Amazon marketplace won’t pay you much. Despite what many people think, affiliate marketing does not depend on blog promotions to bring in money for a marketer. You can advertise businesses and make money with your social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.

6. Review apps & websites

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

Another way to make free money online is to review websites for a living. Some businesses pay consumers and provide them free merchandise in exchange for testimonials on their websites. Some companies hire individuals to assess the functionality and quality of their websites.
When evaluating websites, you typically look at how quickly the site loads and how functional it is. The marketplace you work with and the testing techniques you employ will determine how much money you make. Generally speaking, if you’re willing to conduct one-on-one video conference testing sessions with clients, you’ll make more money

You can work for the following companies:

User experience testing, app testing, and website testing
TryMyUI for testing based on impressions and surveys
Testbirds for mobile apps, online stores, and digital products

You can start evaluating websites and earning money without investing any money because none of these organizations charge a sign-up fee.


7. Create a Patreon account.

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

Paying artists and creators is made easier with the Patreon membership platform. By making a subscription payment through this site, fans can follow projects. Your most ardent fans can support your work with a monthly membership if you frequently produce music, videos, or podcasts and have a following. You can join Patreon to do this.
Providing your fans with something engaging to get their support is essential for success on Patreon. This may entail delivering them exclusive content that you’ve produced just for them or including them in the creative process. View this list of potential prizes that you can provide to your followers on the platform.
Creating a Patreon account is totally free. As soon as you begin making money, the corporation only gets a little portion.

8. Conduct online research.

How to make money online in Pakistan
How to make money online in Pakistan

Are you proficient at locating specific information on Google? If so, you have a tonne of options for earning free money online. Web researchers are employed by numerous businesses across various sectors to locate the most trustworthy and pertinent sources of information. They then give their clients access to that information so they may use it to make wise business decisions. With a computer and internet access, you can apply to work on their assignments.

The following businesses frequently search for internet researchers:

Wonder employs virtual researchers to locate high-quality responses to its clients’ inquiries. Compiling data, elucidating market patterns, and assessing competitive environments are some examples of tasks.

Experts in their fields who can do research and respond to inquiries about their specific fields are employed by 10EQS. If you possess in-depth industry experience, you may apply to become a member of 10EQS’s expert team and work on real-world research projects.

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